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2023-10-17 07:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

目录1. NAVIGATION IN MeshLAB2. EDITING POINT CLOUDS2.1. Selecting and deleting points2.2. 拓扑和几何信息的读取2.3. Scaling, Moving and Rotation2.4. Computing normals for point sets2.5. Clean up the mesh2.6. Down-sampling point clouds2.7. mesh化点云3. ALIGNING POINT CLOUDS4. MESH CREATION AND EDITING4.1. Merging point clouds4.2. Mesh creation4.3. Transferring color from point cloud to mesh4.4. Mesh editing

Tutorial PDF: 基本使用

Tutorial PDF2: 概念和高级功能

csdn: Meshlab基本的edit工具学习

gitee: 点云入门手册Tutorial_No.2_点云软件

优酷: Mister P.'s MeshLab Tutorials

YouTube: Mister P.'s MeshLab Tutorials

1. NAVIGATION IN MeshLAB Left mouse button + drag: rotate around trackball center Mouse wheel: move forward or backward Center mouse button + drag: pan Shift + mouse wheel: change camera field of view5. Double click on specific point: places that point at the trackball center Control + mouse wheel: moves near clipping plan Control + Shift + mouse wheel: moves far clipping plan Alt + Enter: enter full screen mode Control + Shift + left mouse button + drag: changes light direction (this only takes effect if there are normals) 2. EDITING POINT CLOUDS 2.1. Selecting and deleting points


Edit -> Select Vertices Filter -> Selection -> Delete Selected Vertices

ctrl: 用于连续选择 shift: 从选中区域排除 ctrl+del: 用于移除选择到的顶点 2.2. 拓扑和几何信息的读取

Mesh 文件的拓扑信息对于点云的三角化非常重要,因为三角化(第四章会介绍)需要点云之间的拓扑信息才能形成空间结构。

Mesh 文件的几何信息对于我们了解该文件的几何结构来说非常重要。


Filter -> Quality Measure and Computations -> Compute Topological Measures Filter -> Quality Measure and Computations -> Compute Geometric Measures


V: 1257 E: 4095 F: 2730 Unreferenced Vertices 0 Boundary Edges 0 Mesh is composed by 1 connected component(s) Mesh is two-manifold Mesh has 0 holes Genus is 55 Applied filter Compute Topological Measures in 58 msec


Mesh Bounding Box Size 0.210970 0.144833 0.092823 Mesh Bounding Box Diag 0.272215 Mesh Bounding Box min -0.110993 0.052525 -0.050413 Mesh Bounding Box max 0.099977 0.197358 0.042410 Mesh Surface Area is 0.076983 Mesh Total Len of 4095 Edges is 37.782368 Avg Len 0.009226 Mesh Total Len of 4095 Edges is 37.782368 Avg Len 0.009226 (including faux edges)) Thin shell (faces) barycenter: -0.010309 0.108503 -0.008092 Vertices barycenter -0.010662 0.109044 -0.006433 Mesh Volume is 0.000478 Center of Mass is -0.011976 0.103019 -0.009221 Inertia Tensor is : | 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 | | 0.000000 0.000001 0.000000 | | 0.000000 0.000000 0.000002 | Principal axes are : | 0.979431 -0.201732 -0.004342 | | 0.198852 0.968651 -0.148907 | | -0.034245 -0.144981 -0.988842 | axis momenta are : | 0.000001 0.000001 0.000002 | Applied filter Compute Geometric Measures in 84 msec 2.3. Scaling, Moving and Rotation


Filter -> Normals, Curvatures and Orientation -> Transform: Scale, Normalize Filter -> Normals, Curvatures and Orientation -> Transform: Translate, Center, set Origin Filter -> Normals, Curvatures and Orientation -> Transform: Rotate

注意,缩放选项中 "Freeze matrix" 项,勾选则为正常缩放,而如果未勾选,则是将坐标系一同缩放,虽然图像显示被拉伸了,但每个点的坐标实际上没有变化。

2.4. Computing normals for point sets

法线是点云每个点的重要信息,如果没有法线信息,就无法计算 mesh。计算 mesh 这个过程也可以理解为点云重建,即将点云从点(low-level)变成了高级一些的 mesh 网状结构(higher-level);当然我们还可以将 mesh 继续变得更高级,比如用一个面去拟合一片 mesh —— 这里我们不深入讨论这个问题。总之,需要先计算 normal 才能得到 mesh。


Filters -> Normals, Curvatures and Orientation -> Compute normals for point sets

Neighbour num 表示计算法线时每个点的邻域包括点的个数,根据邻域才可以计算法线。



2.5. Clean up the mesh

Filters → Cleaning and Repairing → Remove Isolated (wrt Diameter)

Adjust the max diameter percentage until artifacts are removed.

Clean any undesired artifacts smaller than the desired final mesh.

Filters → Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction → Simplification: Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation

Reduce the vertex count of the mesh for reduced file size.

Adjust the Percentage reduction parameter to simplify the mesh. Because this is a percentage, it’s helpful to begin with a larger value to be preserved (e.g. 0.8) and work down from there. The current vertex count can be viewed in the bottom right (purple window).

Click Apply to simplify the mesh accordingly.

2.6. Down-sampling point clouds


Filter -> Sampling -> Poisson-disk Sampling


2.7. mesh化点云


Filter -> Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction -> Surface Reconstruction: Ball Pivoting 3. ALIGNING POINT CLOUDS

关于3D图像的拼接,可以使用 Align 工具进行拼接。首先在项目中导入多个模型(各自有自己的坐标系,所以图像很可能会有重叠)。

将项目保存为 MLP 或 ALN 格式。项目文件可以看到,记录着每个模型的坐标系。

选择基准对象,然后选择 GLUE HERE MESH 按钮。

选择另一个模型,然后点选 POINT BASED GLUEING 。


Points are picked by double clicking with the left mouse button. They can be all selected in one point cloud and then all selected in the other point cloud (by the same order), or we can select one point at each time on both point clouds. To remove a point do CTRL + double click with left mouse button. After the points are picked, click OK. You can change the view point whilst selecting the points.

最后设置 ICP (Iterative Closest Point). Pay attention to the Defaults ICP Parameters, They are set in absolute units.

注意:如果我们的两块点云大小相同,那么就要勾选 Rigid matching 选型。如果我们不勾选,那最终的变换矩阵中将会有一个缩放因子。

采样点数目(Sample Number):this is the number of samples it pulls from each mesh to compare to the other meshes. You do not want to make this number too big. A small sample typically works quiet well. 1,000 to 5,000 is usually plenty.

Minimal starting distance:this ignores any samples that are outside of this range. Typically for a manually aligned object you want this to be large enough to encompass your 'point picking' error. A value of 5 or 10 (in millimeters) is usually a good start. Once the initial alignements are complete, drop it down to 1mm to 'fine tune'

Target distance(相当于均方误差mse):an average alignment error value that the software will try to obtain from the process

最大迭代次数(Max iteration number):the maximum number of iterations that the software will perform

Rigid matching:如果我们的两块点云标尺比例相同,需要勾选(默认),否则最终的变换矩阵中将会有一个缩放因子。

最后单击 "Process" 执行合并操作:


4. MESH CREATION AND EDITING 4.1. Merging point clouds

打开 Layer dialog 选择导入模型在选择 Flatten visible layers . 在弹出的dialog中根据你的需要选择,此处为点云选择Keep unreferenced points,然后apply。

4.2. Mesh creation


Filter -> Remashing, Simplification and Reconstruction -> Surface Reconstruction: Poisson

4.3. Transferring color from point cloud to mesh


Filter -> Sampling -> Vertex Attribute Transfer

注意,需要勾选 Transfer color 。

4.4. Mesh editing



Filter -> Selections -> Selsect Faces with edges longer than...




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